In the streets throughout nations across Asia, Europe, South America, the Middle East and elsewhere, mobs are demanding change. Will they get it?
Germany’s economic crisis, America’s debt threat, Boy Scouts of America under attack, and more
France defies America and Britain, allies with the Catholic Church, and empowers a German-led European superpower.
Germany’s secret space program, Russian invasions, Iranian gains in the Middle East, and more
European leaders are known for taking advantage of crises—and they have one on their hands.
De Nederlandse verkiezingsuitslag heeft velen geschokt. Maar Bijbelprofetie bewijst dat dit deel uitmaakt van een grotere trend in de Europese politiek
Italian politics, Hamas’s power plays, treason, and more
When the world is under righteous government, weapons of death will be converted into tools of life.
If human governments are bad, how should you act—and think—toward them?
How else can one respond to this world’s growing sin-sickness?
23 powerful scriptures that will help you break out of your slavery
Nieuwe documenten duiken op uit het ontoegankelijke Vaticaans Archief.
The British ‘revolution,’ cyberwarfare, Iranian intransigence, Guttenberg’s return, and more