De Nederlandse verkiezingsuitslag heeft velen geschokt. Maar Bijbelprofetie bewijst dat dit deel uitmaakt van een grotere trend in de Europese politiek
Is God angry with mankind? Does prayer help? How should a Christian respond?
Baghdadi’s death, Lebanese protests, South Korea’s pursuit of nukes, and more
What happens when one man attains absolute power over hundreds of millions?
A polarizing prime minister leads his people into an uncertain future.
China and Russia are pulling levers from behind the scenes to accomplish a strategic goal.
Iran’s attack on Saudi oil production, the ‘deep state’, Catholicism schisms, and more
A court case in Hamburg reminiscent of Germany’s dark past
Democracy has failed. Strongman rule or religious tribalism appear to be the only options.
9/11, Iran’s nuclear terrorism threat, insecurity growing in Germany, and more
America’s stretch of continuous economic growth is about to come to an abrupt end.
What you can do for arthritis