Iran breaks flawed nuke deal, EU and Latin America sign massive trade deal, and more
A modern German warlord, terror in Egypt, trade war, and more
Europeans are turning against mainstream moderates—and toward more radical alternatives.
For thousands of years, this warrior people has shocked the world. The pattern is clear. The future is certain.
Terrorism at sea, Sudan protests, trade war team-ups, and more
China’s global military ambitions, Russian missiles in Crimea, Europe’s military union, and more
War on Antifa terror, China’s global empire, locust plagues, and more
German military expert demands a drastic leadership change; Bible prophecy states that change will come.
Britain’s attack on Iran, Britain’s ‘deep state,’ Germany’s far right, and more
Europe’s character will shape its future.
De droom van Duitse dominantie stierf niet met Hitler. Het Duitse zakenimperium heeft een comeback voor de Nazi’s gepland, toen het zag dat de Tweede Wereldoorlog verloren was. Dit is allemaal duidelijk gedocumenteerd!
Studies, surveys and history give us a glimpse into why Germany will prosper in the wonderful World Tomorrow.
Hint: It has to do with oil, and it nearly worked in World War II
Germany’s economic crisis, America’s debt threat, Boy Scouts of America under attack, and more
Trump-Ukraine ‘scandal,’ North Korea’s latest missile test, Austrian elections, and more
In the streets throughout nations across Asia, Europe, South America, the Middle East and elsewhere, mobs are demanding change. Will they get it?