You are going to see the same kind of financial crises in other European countries. Here’s why.
We have been prophesying of this for 70 years. Crises in Germany and Europe are reaching new heights. Watch what happens next.
Germany plans to ban the burka. Will states turn a blind eye to anti-migrant violence.
Austria’s 2018 presidency of the European Council is historic—and prophetic.
Hij had Gelijk - deel één Europa
This colossal energy deal is only the latest indication of a rapidly forging Russia-China axis that is reorienting 21st-century geopolitics—and tilting the advantage away from the West.
The recent diesel scandal exposes Germany’s economic vulnerability.
Many think President Trump is pushing Germany to remilitarize, but he is actually giving in to what Germany demanded decades ago when NATO was founded.
German Chancellor and head of the Christian Democratic Union Angela Merkel, Bavarian Premier and leader of the Christian Social Union Horst Seehofer, and leader of the Social Democrats Martin Schulz speak to the media following all-night preliminary coalition talks on January 12 in Berlin.
Germany is ending decades of tolerance and support for Iranian spies.
Bribing the gatekeeper has worked before, but this latest Libyan incarnation has dangerous implications.
Why ‘Macrel’ is the new flavor of the month
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In Europe’s fight against Apple and Google, it might finally achieve a common tax plan.
While the EU as a whole cannot agree on solving the migration crisis, a group of core EU countries, along with African countries, agreed to set up border controls in northern Africa.
Is Europe ready for the far right?
German military strategists prepare for the European Union and the United States of America to fall.
In the twilight of the Merkel era, a bold new Germany emerges.
Politicians embracing anti-immigration platforms are proving that the right wing is all the rage.
The media outrage in America against Donald Trump’s statements about Charlottesville was gigantic, but the German media took it a step further.
Those who say Germany’s election is ‘boring’ are not watching Germany closely enough.
What happens when left-wing extremists run riot in Germany’s second-largest city?
Hij had Gelijk - deel één Europa
Elite Russian armored unit sends a message to Europe.
Europe is getting more involved in the battle over West Africa.
Britain is cursed. But there is one way to reverse the curse and make the UK great again.
An interview with the son of a Nazi war criminal