A modern German warlord, terror in Egypt, trade war, and more
Terrorism at sea, Sudan protests, trade war team-ups, and more
China’s global military ambitions, Russian missiles in Crimea, Europe’s military union, and more
War on Antifa terror, China’s global empire, locust plagues, and more
The breakup between the world’s two largest economies will shake the world.
Trump-Ukraine ‘scandal,’ North Korea’s latest missile test, Austrian elections, and more
In the streets throughout nations across Asia, Europe, South America, the Middle East and elsewhere, mobs are demanding change. Will they get it?
Germany’s secret space program, Russian invasions, Iranian gains in the Middle East, and more
Italian politics, Hamas’s power plays, treason, and more
Baghdadi’s death, Lebanese protests, South Korea’s pursuit of nukes, and more
What happens when one man attains absolute power over hundreds of millions?
China and Russia are pulling levers from behind the scenes to accomplish a strategic goal.
Russia’s leader is resetting the clock on his term limits, clearing the way for him to rule until 2036.
Het Westen wil de Russische dictator isoleren, maar het grootste deel van het oostelijk halfrond is aan hem gelieerd.
‘It’s a remarkable story about a remarkable feat of humanity.’
The European Union is unwilling to punish China for the illegal takeover of Hong Kong, instead prioritizing economic ties.