America strikes Syria, terrorism in Russia, Germany’s cyber command, and more
Lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender activists have sued Christian bakers, putting religious freedom in the crosshairs.
Hij had Gelijk - deel twee Anglo-Amerika
George Washington en Abraham Lincoln kenden het geheim voor nationaal succes.
Beneath all the dull riffs about deficits, taxes and tariffs lie the seeds of World War III.
Even some liberals now admit that turning a blind eye to Bill Clinton’s immorality was a mistake.
Amerika zal weer groots worden, maar niet op de manier zoals miljoenen Amerikanen denken.
The United States has not been a passive bystander in the prophesied rise of Iran and Germany. It has encouraged and aided the astonishing rise of these two world powers.
The reaction to Castro’s death exposes the deep Communist infiltration of America and Britain.
Many think President Trump is pushing Germany to remilitarize, but he is actually giving in to what Germany demanded decades ago when NATO was founded.
Or is there something that Americans need to realize first?
Weapons proliferation diplomats worry that Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will lead to Iran acquiring nuclear bombs.
Or, why the Trumpet is important in a world of unreliable media.
Hij had Gelijk - deel twee Anglo-Amerika
How one of the worst flooding events in American history contains a warning—and the promise of something better
The media outrage in America against Donald Trump’s statements about Charlottesville was gigantic, but the German media took it a step further.
Het brein achter het enorme, uitgebreide netwerk van leugens en wetteloosheid dat erop gericht is Amerika te vernietigen, is blootgelegd.
China’s debt and drug warfare, California fires, and more
Morality has always featured heavily in America’s history. But the morals being promoted and preached today are unlike any the nation has ever seen.
Pakistani nukes in jihadists hands, Iranian missiles in Iraq, German troops in Iraq, and more
America’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a good one, but not for the reasons you might think.
Technology is emotionally damaging our young people, and nobody knows how to stop it.
America is spending its strength in vain, and spending it to empower its archenemy.
What does the Islamic State’s loss of territory in the Middle East mean for the rest of the world?
The U.S. president wants Germany to be the world’s third-largest military spender.
No matter what politicians say, bulging deficits and ballooning debt are a threat to America’s survival.