Is it time for Jews to leave Europe and Britain?
A united European army, the rise of fringe parties in Europe, food shortages, and more
Famine is happening now, and it’s about to get worse—and not because of environmental disasters or overpopulation.
We have made some undeniable progress. So why does it feel like the world is getting worse and worse?
How you can be protected from the impending nuclear nightmare
Communist Black-First, Land First President Mngxitama to cheering crowd: ‘We’ll kill anything.’
Language doesn’t just express thought, it can also influence it. Purify the language, and you can help purify thoughts and actions.
Chinese-funded roads, ports and bridges are transforming this Asian giant into an economic powerhouse—fulfilling prophecies penned 2,700 years ago.
Are we in the end time? Here are four specific indications the Bible tells us to watch for—that have already happened.
Eén van de belangrijkste profetieën van Jezus Christus onthult hoe gruwelijk de poging van de mens om zichzelf te regeren binnenkort zal worden.
A wake-up call for the world
About 70 percent of privately owned farmland in South Africa is owned by white farmers, and many blacks resent that.
Will the truth survive our ‘rational’ scientific age?
De chaos veroorzaakt door de coronavirus pandemie laat zien hoe destructief een biologisch wapen kan zijn.
Multiyear droughts, catastrophic wildfires, out-of-control deficits. Why is this happening to the Golden State? The answer will surprise you.
Statistics that foretell the demise of our nations
Find the answer in the Bible.
Russia’s conquest of Crimea, Japan’s accelerating militarization, nuclear bunkers, and more
Save the planet by … not having kids?
Je hoort er niets over – en dat is de kern van het probleem.
Must society neutralize the advantages of whiteness before it can heal?
The world is agitating for another, even more horrific Holocaust.
In een wereld geteisterd door slecht nieuws, volgt hier wat geweldig nieuws voor elk volk en elke persoon op aarde.
American politics are in a state of hysteria. There is a deadly reason so many people are adopting insane ideas.
The struggles that farmers face today will soon affect us all.