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We could soon have an EU that tells its member states how to run their own countries.
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We could soon have an EU that tells its member states how to run their own countries.
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How much power do unelected bureaucrats and intelligence agents wield inside the United States government?
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Aanval op Amerika (Hoofdstuk Negen)
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De Sleutel van David (Transcript)
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Germany is not to blame for World Wars i and ii. Instead Germans should celebrate ‘1,000 Years of German Empire—Our History, Our Achievements, Our Pride.’ Welcome to the new German history.
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We have made some undeniable progress. So why does it feel like the world is getting worse and worse?
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They have seized the public’s attention. What does the Bible really say? The answer may surprise you.
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Holy Roman Empire nobility historically dominated Europe’s economy. Less has changed than you think.
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Famine is happening now, and it’s about to get worse—and not because of environmental disasters or overpopulation.
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Mysterie der eeuwen (Hoofdstuk drie)
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How you can be protected from the impending nuclear nightmare
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Herbert W. Armstrong long believed France would be part of the seventh and final resurrection of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire. He was right!
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Are we in the end time? Here are four specific indications the Bible tells us to watch for—that have already happened.
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It is no myth. It will be the greatest event in human history—and it is sure.
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Language doesn’t just express thought, it can also influence it. Purify the language, and you can help purify thoughts and actions.
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Chinese-funded roads, ports and bridges are transforming this Asian giant into an economic powerhouse—fulfilling prophecies penned 2,700 years ago.
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The Islamic Republic’s words intimidate as much as its actions.
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Het einde van een tijdperk voor Groot-Brittannië
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Vladimir Putin and his generals are following a blueprint laid out by a neo-fascist political scientist to replace the United States as the world superpower.
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Denmark’s ban against the burka and niqab signals a dangerous trend in Europe.
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Chancellor Merkel disagrees, but most Germans agree with Horst Seehofer: ‘Islam does not belong to Germany.’
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Moving ‘step by step to “an army of Europeans”’
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Mankind has once again proved itself incapable of solving its problems.
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Understand the shameful truth of what led up to this tragedy, and you will better see how you can protect yourself from being the next victim.
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EU leaders would prefer you to forget it, but this history reveals the Union’s true danger to the world.