How do East Germans really feel about their history behind the wall and their reunification with West Germany?
We could soon have an EU that tells its member states how to run their own countries.
While America can drop bombs on Russia’s ally in Syria, Russia can infiltrate America through the Internet.
This Week in Germany
Only few know the man that might soon head one of the world’s most powerful institutions.
A united European army, the rise of fringe parties in Europe, food shortages, and more
Russia escalates tensions with Ukraine, Europe’s next generation combat system, Japanese militarization and more
Germany is not to blame for World Wars i and ii. Instead Germans should celebrate ‘1,000 Years of German Empire—Our History, Our Achievements, Our Pride.’ Welcome to the new German history.
De Sleutel van David (Transcript)
Holy Roman Empire nobility historically dominated Europe’s economy. Less has changed than you think.
Iran brags about terror campaign, the ‘peace process,’ the parched land down under, and more
What the nato exercises in Norway tell us about the future of Europe
New agency represents a new era for German cyberpower.
Iranian diplomat suspected in Paris bombing plot.
Are we about to see job vacancies in one of Germany’s most important political parties?
Vladimir Putin and his generals are following a blueprint laid out by a neo-fascist political scientist to replace the United States as the world superpower.
Chancellor Merkel disagrees, but most Germans agree with Horst Seehofer: ‘Islam does not belong to Germany.’
After a year of frozen relations, friendship returns in the form of arms deals.
Denmark’s ban against the burka and niqab signals a dangerous trend in Europe.
Moving ‘step by step to “an army of Europeans”’
Increasing bilateral trade and military cooperation between the two Asian giants fulfills Bible prophecy.
Dit belangrijke mediterrane eiland laat de werkwijze van Duitsland zien – en zijn ambities!
Where Italy’s election earthquake will lead Europe
Mankind has once again proved itself incapable of solving its problems.
European nations are sending funds to Iran and Palestinians, against America’s wishes.
Migrant caravan, ‘living time bombs’ in Germany, Iranian terror and more